Web Performance

Developer rooms | Room: UA2.220 (Guillissen) | Day 1

Note: I'm reworking this at the moment, some things won't work.

  • Welcome to the web performance dev room

    UA2.220 (Guillissen) | 15:00 | 00:05 | Dave Hunt, Peter Hedenskog

  • How browsers REALLY load Web pages

    UA2.220 (Guillissen) | 15:10 | 00:40 | Robin Marx

  • Making Sense of the Long Animation Frames (LoAF) API

    UA2.220 (Guillissen) | 15:55 | 00:40 | Andy Davies

  • Scheduling HTTP streams

    UA2.220 (Guillissen) | 16:40 | 00:40 | Alexander Krizhanovsky

  • Chromium on Android: How we doubled Speedometer & developed the LoadLine benchmark

    UA2.220 (Guillissen) | 17:25 | 00:50 | Eric Seckler, Gurj Bahia