Testing and Continuous Delivery
Developer rooms | Room: UD6.215 | Day 1
Note: I'm reworking this at the moment, some things won't work.
Enhancing Testing Strategies for Critical Systems: Statistical Path Coverage
UD6.215 | 10:30 | 00:25 | Imanol Allende
The Trustable Software Framework: A new way to measure risk in continuous delivery of critical software
UD6.215 | 11:00 | 00:25 | Paul Sherwood
KernelCI - upgrading Linux development and integration workflows
UD6.215 | 11:30 | 00:25 | Paweł Wieczorek
Concurrency Testing using Custom Linux Schedulers
UD6.215 | 12:00 | 00:25 | Johannes Bechberger, Jake Hillion
Continuously Update Everything two years later
UD6.215 | 12:30 | 00:10 | Olivier Vernin
Unlocking the Power of Property-Based Testing
UD6.215 | 12:55 | 00:15 | Merlin Pahic
Automating Low-Level Firmware Validation with Robot Framework
UD6.215 | 13:10 | 00:15 | Maciej Pijanowski
Enhancing delivery using Kubernetes Gateway API and Istio
UD6.215 | 13:30 | 00:25 | Sachin Kumar Singh
Fuzzing databases is difficult
UD6.215 | 14:00 | 00:25 | Pedro Ferreira
Advanced Test Harness Infrastructure for Validating ARM and FPGA-based Systems
UD6.215 | 14:30 | 00:25 | Stefan Raus
Squashing the Heisenbug with Deterministic Simulation Testing
UD6.215 | 15:00 | 00:25 | Dominik Tornow
Testing Support for Multiple Authentication Methods in ClickHouse Using Combinatorics and Behavioral Models
UD6.215 | 15:30 | 00:25 | Alsu Giliazova
Accelerating CI Pipelines: Rapid Kubernetes Testing with vCluster
UD6.215 | 16:00 | 00:25 | Hrittik Roy, Saiyam Pathak
Advanced Build Tools and Remote Execution API
UD6.215 | 16:30 | 00:25 | Son Luong Ngoc
Refining the Release Strategy of a Custom Linux Distro
UD6.215 | 18:00 | 00:25 | Andreea Daniela Andrisan