
Developer rooms | Room: K.4.401 | Day 1

Note: I'm reworking this at the moment, some things won't work.

  • Welcome to the Swift ecosystem!

    K.4.401 | 15:00 | 00:10 | Paris Pittman

  • Why Swift is the Next Big Thing for IoT

    K.4.401 | 15:10 | 00:10 | Lilly Seay

  • Blink them to death using Embedded Swift

    K.4.401 | 15:20 | 00:10 | Eric Bariaux

  • Building a Ferrofluidic Music Visualizer with Embedded Swift

    K.4.401 | 15:30 | 00:10 | Rauhul Varma

  • age-plugin-se: Building a lean cross-platform cryptogaphy tool

    K.4.401 | 15:45 | 00:05 | Remko Tronçon

  • Why Swift is the best language for building modern applications on the backend

    K.4.401 | 15:55 | 00:20 | Tim Condon

  • Live coding a streaming ChatGPT proxy with Swift OpenAPI—from scratch!

    K.4.401 | 16:20 | 00:20 | Si Beaumont, Honza Dvorsky

  • How to put Swift in a box: Building container images with swift-container-plugin

    K.4.401 | 16:45 | 00:20 | Euan Harris

  • Building Truly Native Cross-Platform Desktop Apps (With a Focus on GNOME)

    K.4.401 | 17:10 | 00:05 | David Häner

  • Your First AWS Lambda Function

    K.4.401 | 17:20 | 00:20 | Mikaela Caron

  • „Which is which, and who is who?” - Building a new Swift unqualified name lookup library

    K.4.401 | 17:45 | 00:10 | Jakub Florek

  • Distributed Tracing in Server-Side Swift

    K.4.401 | 18:00 | 00:20 | Moritz Lang

  • Building reliable and scalable apps with Distributed Actors

    K.4.401 | 18:25 | 00:20 | Jaleel Akbashev