Developer rooms | Room: K.3.201 | Day 1
Note: I'm reworking this at the moment, some things won't work.
A New Approach to Callee-Saved Registers in LLVM
K.3.201 | 10:35 | 00:25 | Mikhail Gudim
Moving work into the middle end
K.3.201 | 11:05 | 00:20 | Jon Chesterfield
Improving compile-time computation of object size
K.3.201 | 11:30 | 00:20 | Serge « sans paille » Guelton
O_o [ Flang + WASM ] o_O
K.3.201 | 11:50 | 00:05 | Serge « sans paille » Guelton
Things are coming together for Flang tooling
K.3.201 | 12:00 | 00:20 | Tim Heldmann, Peter Arzt
An introduction to Torch-MLIR
K.3.201 | 12:25 | 00:20 | Marius Brehler
MLIR-based Data Tiling and Packing for Ryzen AI NPU
K.3.201 | 12:50 | 00:20 | Jorn Tuyls
Programming is fun; Testing is needed; Infra is …
K.3.201 | 13:45 | 00:20 | Jan-Patrick Lehr
Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) in LLVM: current challenges from the adopter perspective
K.3.201 | 14:10 | 00:20 | Alexander Zaitsev